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总公司(head office或parent company)是指依法设立并管辖公司全体组织的具有企业法人资历的总机构。分公司( branch或branch company )是指在业务、资金、人事等方面受本公司管辖而不具有法人资历的分支机构,其实质上是总公司的百思特网一个分支、一个机构,分公司不能独立承担义务,其民事义务由公司承担。(其英文释义为:Branch百思特网es are a part of the parent organization, which are opened to perform the same business operations as performed by the parent company, to increase their reach.)二者的关系为:总公司与分公司本质上是一个主体。

母公司(parent company或holding company)是指持有子公司的股权(股份)或依据协定,能够掌握、安排子公司的人事、财务、业务等事项。子公司(subsidiary)是指其必定数额的股份被母公司持有或根据协定被另一家公司实际掌握,其人事、财务、业务等事项被母公司实际掌握、安排。(其英文释义为:Branches are not exactly same as the subsidiary company. A subsidiary company is a company, whose controlling stake is held by ano百思特网ther entity, i.e. the holding company. Both branch and subsidiary company are owned by the parent company but are different in many ways.)两者的关系为:子公司具有法人资历,独立承担民事义务。母公司实质上是子公司的股东,二者均具有独立的法人位置。我国《公司法》第十四条规定:“公司可以设立分公司。设立分公司,应该向公司登记机关申请登记,领取营业执照。分公司不具有法人资历,其民事义务由公司承担。 公司可以设立子公司,子公司具有法人资历,依法独立承担民事义务”。


1.The purpose of the proposal is to avoid conflicts of interest that arise when a pare-nt company, subsidiary or affiliate company oversees the work of its business partners, t-he committee said.


2.There were two reactors in alkaline residue waste water treatment unit of SI- NOPEC Guangzhou branch company. Those were empty tower system reactor and catalytic.
